Quick Facts You Should Know About Workplace Retaliation

Whether you think that you have a workplace retaliation case or you simply want to arm yourself with information before you decide to blow the whistle on shady company practices, there are a few facts that you should know about retaliation in the work environment. The following are a few facts for you to keep in mind:

  • Retaliation comes in a wide variety of forms. It could involve an employer getting even with an employee because they did something they didn’t like, possibly denying rewards such as pay raises because of actions the employee took and much more. Simply put, retaliation is something that happens because of another separate incident.
  • There are numerous laws that protect employees from retaliation. If you believe you have been the victim of workplace retaliation, you have a wide variety of legal avenues to help you take action against the offender.
  • If you take an offender to court, you need to be able to prove that there was some form of adverse action taken against you, that the action that prompted that adverse action was a legally protected activity and that you could establish a causal connection between the legal activity and the adverse action.
  • You do not need to prove that your employer was vengeful or malicious.
  • Even if you quit your job, there are still situations in which you can be a victim of retaliation or file a retaliation suit.

Whenever you become aware of wrongdoing within your workplace, you should report it to the proper authorities, even if there is a risk of retaliation. Should retaliation occur, contact the knowledgeable Dallas attorneys at Whistleblower Law for Managers immediately.