Eli Lilly Settles Second Age Discrimination Suit

Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly is in the spotlight once again as it settles another age-discrimination class-action lawsuit. This development comes mere months after Eli Lilly paid $2.4 million to resolve another age discrimination lawsuit, brought forth by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The recent suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.

Case background

While specific details of the recent settlement were not disclosed, the plaintiffs in this class-action lawsuit alleged that they had applied for sales representative positions at Eli Lilly but were unfairly rejected. They argued that Eli Lilly favored younger applicants over older ones who were equally or more qualified for these roles. This practice, according to the plaintiffs, violated the principle of equal employment opportunity and perpetuated age-based discrimination in the workplace.

The lawsuit highlighted several key practices at Eli Lilly contributing to the alleged discrimination. These included the use of a recruitment system that favored candidates affiliated with universities or part of Eli Lilly's internship program, and an explicit strategy to target millennials and early-career professionals. Such practices, the plaintiffs claimed, systematically excluded older sales representatives from opportunities available to their younger counterparts.

The EEOC had previously filed a suit against Eli Lilly, making similar claims of age discrimination. In this case, the agency alleged that Eli Lilly had set a goal in 2017 to have early career candidates make up 40 percent of its new hires. While Eli Lilly settled with the EEOC, it did not admit liability and denied the agency's allegations.

Age bias remains a concerning issue. Studies and surveys have consistently highlighted the persistence of age discrimination, with hiring managers sometimes unconsciously exhibiting age bias during the candidate evaluation process. This is further compounded by language in job postings or preferences for younger candidates, which can deter older professionals.

If you’ve experienced age discrimination at your job, reach out to a trusted whistleblower attorney at Kardell Law Group today.